Monday, June 4, 2007

Below Enemy Lines - The Intruder


When I noticed this strange behaviour among the crows in my back yard, I knew something was not right. As my eyes scanned the garden for any disorder, this nocturnal caught my attention.

I immediately loaded my canon and shot a few pics before the black battalion of crows launched an attack on the intruder.

But these poor guys didn't know that the owl was an actor in Harry Potter 6 and had faced a good amount of spells and dementors bravely. The crows were no match against the flying skills of the owl.

All the crows could do was to return empty handed. But they knew who their real enemy was.

They started planning an attack on J K Rowling...


Sowmya said...

A good long timing shot ! :)


Fancy seeing an owl in madras! Never seen one myself.

Raveena said...

Nice! ^_^
The Picture's beautiful!

KB said...

@ Sowmya & Jean: Thank you folks!

@ Shylu: In Madras the only place to find an owl is the Vandalur Zoo. Do u find any in Canada?